A convenient and practical means of clamping and holding work in a vertical position.

  • AA Laboratory Grade, A Inspection Grade
  • 2-Face, 4-Face, Inserted

Shop Granite Angle Plates

Angle Plates

Angle plates provide a convenient and practical means of clamping and holding work in a vertical position. Their excellent finish and flatness make them very compatible for use with granite surface plate accuracies. The angle plates are available with either 2 or 4 finished faces. The 2-face angle plate has the bottom and the adjacent square face finished flat and square to one another. The 4-face is similar to the 2-face, but has the two adjacent sides finished flat and square to the other two faces, as well as being parallel to each other.

Four-Face Inserted Angle Plates

Inserted angle plates are available upon request. This product is the same as our standard angle plate, with the addition of metal discs inserted into one side. The inserted angle plates also have a main gauging face for magnetic chucking  purposes and threaded inserts for clamping purposes.